
The African Union, the African Peace and Security Architecture, and Maritime Security

The content of African maritime security as an emerging policy field is contested. It can be located anywhere between traditional security politics (i.e. related to piracy, maritime terrorism and unregulated fishing), developmental and environmentalist concerns as well as efforts to regain economic sovereignty over African territorial and offshore waters.

As a result, since approximately 2005, the institutional place of maritime security in continental politics has been in flux. This paper traces the origins of the debate on maritime security in Africa. The main concern here is to examine the relationship between the nascent African Peace and Security Architecture on the one hand and maritime security and safety politics on the other from both an institutional and a political perspective. Maritime security represents one of a number of peace and security-related policy fields inthe-making that also allows for insights into the division of labor emerging among various stakeholders, such as the AUC, RECs, and AU member states – and the related challenges of policy coordination and harmonization

Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

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Résidence Bity Lokho, 6éme étage
B.P. 15 416
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