Wednesday, 17.11.2021 - Dakar - SENEGAL


On November 17th, 2021, the Women’s Association for Victims’ Empowerment (WAVE) of The Gambia was present in Dakar for the presentation of the policy paper they wrote in collaboration with the FES PSCC office.

On November 17th, 2021, the Women’s Association for Victims’ Empowerment (WAVE) of The Gambia was present in Dakar for the presentation of the policy paper they wrote in collaboration with the FES PSCC office. It was an opportunity to hand over their new car. Indeed, the FES PSCC office donated a vehicle to this association to help them in their mission. The Women’s Association for Victims’ Empowerment (WAVE) is a newly established organization in The Gambia, inspired by the transition that the country is going through. Created in early 2019 by a group of seven women activists; four of whom are themselves direct victims of human rights violations, its founders have been involved from the outset in the country’s transitional justice process. WAVE is focused on the situation of women particularly in promoting and amplifying voices of vulnerable and marginalized women. It engages in gender-specific research, programs and women’s empowerment as well as advocacy initiatives including for gender justice and accountability and supports trauma awareness and healing processes for victims and survivors. The key exchange was between Philipp GOLDBERG, Director FES PSCC and Priscilla CIESAY Senior Technical Advisor WAVE.

Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub-Saharan Africa

Villa Ebert
Avenue des Ambassadeurs
Fann Résidence
25516 Dakar-Fann


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