
Organized Crime, Security Threats and Governance: The Sustainability of European Union Programmes in West Africa

Forms of Organized Crime in West Africa span from ALW proliferation to drug- trafficking, terrorism, and piracy This publication aims to stimulate the debate on the root causes and on actions to be taken to prevent such crimes.

It examines in particular the European Union’ s intervention programmes tackling Organized Crime in West Africa. Furthermore it outlines factors impeding a sustainable implementation of viable strategies and projects. By drawing a link between the prevalent political, economic, social, and geographical conditions for Organized Crime in West Africa, the author highlights the necessity of effective and sustainable actions, but also reveals challenges.

Corruption, weak judicial prosecution, ethno-religious conflicts, and increased armed violence remain obstacles for peace in the region and, as a result, for the sustainability of EU interventions. Evaluating these impediments, the study draws up a ‘Roadmap to Sustainability’, by which the author proposes approaches to counter Organized Crime in a sustainable way.

Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub-Saharan Africa

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