Thursday, 08.04.2021 - Gao - Mali

Regional validation workshop of the "Study on the Security Challenges and Needs of Populations in the GAO Region"

Gao, 08 April 2021, in the conference room of the Regional Youth Council, socio-political actors validated the study on the security challenges and needs of populations in the GAO region as part of the regional project 'Security for All' co-funded by the European Union in partnership with The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The one-day workshop brought together some thirty socio-political actors from the city of Gao and these different cercles. Participants discussed the content of the study report presented by the study's consultants, Dr. Boubacar Diallo and Dr. Alhassane Gaoukoyé. The study involved 72 people from the circles of Gao, Bourem and Ansongo.

The coordination of the study was carried out by the "Centre d’Etudes et de Réflexion au Mali (CERM)" and took place in several phases. It included a field stage to identify the challenges and needs of local people but also to assess their level of knowledge on the Security Sector Reform.

This validation workshop is the latest in a series of 3 studies and validation workshops planned in Kayes/Mopti and Gao. They are carried out as part of the regional project 'Security for All' co-funded by the European Union and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in partnership with the "Centre d’Etudes et de Réflexion au Mali (CERM)."

The recommendations of the regional validation workshop have been numerous and truly relevant. They will serve to enrich the content of the study which will be published and presented in Bamako to policymakers and civil society organisations. They will also feed the other activities of the project with other target groups, including civil society.

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