Tuesday, 09.02.2021 - Kayes - Mali

Regional validation workshop of the "Study on the Security Challenges and Needs of Populations in the Kayes Region"

On Tuesday 09th February 2021, the regional validation workshop of the “Study of the Security Challenges and Needs of Populations in the Kayes Region” as part of the sub-regional project: “Security for All” co-funded by the European Union in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung was held in Kayes.

The one-day validation workshop brought together some thirty participants from the city of Kayes and the various circles in the region. Participants exchanged views on the contents of the study report presented by the expert in charge of the study, Dr. Aly TOUNKARA, Senior Expert. The data for the study was collected through interviews and field research in Kayes and two circles in that region.

The study, coordinated by the Centre for Studies and Reflection in Mali (CERM) included a field phase and aimed to identify the security challenges and needs of local and provincial populations, as well as to assess their knowledge of the Security Sector Reform, with the aim of meeting contributions/recommendations in relation to their security needs.

It should be noted that 3 studies and validations are planned in Kayes, Mopti and Gao. They are being carried out as part of the regional project: “Security for All” co-funded by the European Union in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and aims to strengthen/support security sector reforms with the aim of increasing civil society involvement in security sector reform processes.

The recommendations of the regional validation workshop have been numerous and very relevant and will serve to enrich the content of the report of the study. After all these three studies are validated, they will be published and presented to policymakers and civil society organisations in Bamako to feed other activities of the project with potential other target groups.

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