Saturday, 22.10.2011 - Lome, Togo

Expert Meeting on SALW Flow in the Ghana-Togo-Benin-Nigeria Corridor

In preparation of a research project on "Small Arms & Light Weapons (SALW) trafficking in West Africa: Illicit routes & cache of arms between Ghana, Togo, Benin & Nigeria", jointly commissioned by FES and the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC), researchers from the respective countries met in Lomé, Togo for a pre-field meeting to discuss the scope of the challenge and the methodological approach. The field phase of the study has started.

In preparation of a research project on "Small Arms & Light Weapons (SALW) trafficking in West Africa: Illicit routes & cache of arms between Ghana, Togo, Benin & Nigeria", jointly commissioned by FES and the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC), researchers from the respective countries met in Lomé, Togo for a pre-field meeting to discuss the scope of the challenge and the methodological approach. The field phase of the study has started.

Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

Point E, Rue de Fatick x Boulevard de l'Est,
Résidence Bity Lokho, 6éme étage
B.P. 15 416
Dakar - Fann

+221 33 859 20 02
