Wednesday, 11.10.2017 - Abuja, Nigeria

«Instability in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: The Post Amnesty Programme and Sustainable Peacebuilding »

On October 11, 2017, a workshop was held in Abuja, Nigeria on "Instability in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: The Post Amnesty Programme and Sustainable Peacebuilding". Organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub-Saharan Africa, it brought together governmental and security authorities of Nigeria, representatives of non-governmental organizations based in Nigeria, members of ECOWAS, academics, experts as well as members of civil society and traditional and religious authorities from Port Harcourt and Abuja.

The active participation in the discussions has shown how crucial is the issue of instability in this oil-rich Nigeria region. Discussions began with a presentation of the study and recommendations made by Mr. Ebiede Tarila MARCLINT on the crisis in the Niger Delta. Following him, two panels composed of members of the Ministry of the Interior of Nigeria, authorities in charge of the management of the Post-Amnesty Program in the Niger Delta, academics and members of civil society succeeded each other to enrich proposals. All of them, highlighting the wealth of this region, which is a source of tension rather than a source of well-being, have raised the causes of instability and then attempted to propose solutions for a definitive return to peace. The field experiments and the capitalization of the experiences of the participants and the panelists, following the many attempts of a return to the stability, made it possible to arrive at objective and realistic conclusions. Among recommendations from this workshop, we noted that:

  • develop a comprehensive strategy for lasting peace because according to the participants "Peace can not be bought with money" and;
  • Address the root causes of this crisis such as poverty, the lack of economic perspective of young people and environmental pollution in parts of this region.

In conclusion, this workshop showed the magnitude of the repercussions of this crisis on Nigeria and Africa but also the urgency of a concerted strategy of all actors and communities for a definitive return to peace and shared prosperity.

Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

Villa Ebert
Avenue des Ambassadeurs
Fann Résidence
25516 Dakar-Fann


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