Saturday, 25.02.2023 - Ouagadougou – BURKINA FASO

MY SCHOOL, MY PEACE POLE: Training workshop for 50 peace ambassadors in Burkina Faso

On Saturday February 25, 2023, a training session for 50 peace ambassadors was held in Ouagadougou, at the Lycée Marien N'Gouabi, as part of the project "My school, my island of peace" developed by the Peace and Security Office Sub-Saharan Africa Competence Center of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES-PSCC) based in Dakar and YALI for PEACE. The objective of the training was to strengthen the prevention and the eradication of violence in schools in Burkina Faso.

In addition to the 50 students participating, the training was attended by School administration, two supporting teachers, the Country Coordinator of YALI for PEACE and the programme manager of "prevention of violent extremism.”

The training was provided by a human rights expert and an inspector of secondary education. It focused on three modules: my school, my island of peace (1), the responsibility of the student peace ambassador (2) and conflict resolution techniques and personality types (3).

Module 1 allowed the facilitator and students to discuss the concepts of school and peace, values such as tolerance, the objectives of the school as well as manifestations of intolerance and incivility in schools and their consequences for educational systems.

The second module described what a peace ambassador is on the one hand, and how to cultivate peace in one's environment on the other.

The third module was developed in tutorials working through workshops. This work allowed students themselves to identify the behavioral differences inherent in personality types in order to prevent conflicts (1) and build up conflict resolution modes (2). This work was complemented by the facilitators.

At the end of training, the School Administrator welcomed the initiative and highlighted activity’s relevance. She also hoped for a follow-up for the trained ambassadors in order to allow and guarantee sustainability within this training project.


Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

Villa Ebert
Avenue des Ambassadeurs
Fann Résidence
25516 Dakar-Fann


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