Thursday, 24.06.2021 - Dakar - SENEGAL

Presentation and discussion of APSA scenarios APSA - ECOWAS: what cooperation for a better management of political crises and future conflicts in their member states for a real collective security?

The Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub Saharan Africa of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organised a workshop on June 24th 2021 to present and discuss the APSA scenarios in a semi-virtual format. The theme was "APSA - ECOWAS: what cooperation for a better management of future political crises and conflicts in their member states for a real collective security? The panelists were Dr. Serigne Bamba GAYE, Director of SBG Conseils & Stratégies - Specialist in Peace and Security issues and Prof. Alioune SALL, Specialist in international, constitutional and political issues - former judge at the ECOWAS Court of Justice. The moderation was done by Mrs. Woré NDIAYE KANDJI, expert on gender, peace and security issues.

Current trends, such as ad hoc coalitions like the G5 Sahel, financial and institutional reform processes within the African Union, or the crisis of multilateralism, to name but a few, have a direct impact on the performance, results and legitimacy of the African Peace and Security Architecture in various ways. They may also have long-term consequences for its funding, institutional mechanisms and even agenda and norm setting.

In order to encourage a discussion on trends, analyses of future challenges and potentially necessary policy decisions, the African Union office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has proposed in 2019 to bring together some 30 experts on the subject in a scenario-building process on the future of the "APSA we want".

It is a process that highlights the political implications of decisions taken today and their consequences in the years to come. This project has brought together other FES offices, including FES PSCC. The APSA 2040 scenarios is a document that highlights the trends and developments that are shaping the future of collective security in Africa (

After the presentation of the scenarios by Mr. Abdi AYNTE, former Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Somalia, the panelists made brilliant presentations. The discussions were particularly rich.
The experts who participated in this workshop urged the FES to continue the reflections and to push the analyses with the data already available in order to issue orientations to improve the APSA and to give adapted solutions for more effectiveness of this instrument.

Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

Villa Ebert
Avenue des Ambassadeurs
Fann Résidence
25516 Dakar-Fann


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