Friday, 01.04.2016 - Tunis, Tunisia

The Tunisian Study was presented by Brigadier General Nouri Ben Taous

On April 1, 2016, Retired Brigadier General Nouri Ben Taous presented a state of the art review on security challenges and issues in Tunisia in the framework of a national validation workshop on FES premises in Tunis.

On April 1, 2016, Retired Brigadier General Nouri Ben Taous presented a state of the art review on security challenges and issues in Tunisia in the framework of a national validation workshop on FES premises in Tunis.

Here again, the importance of establishing a minimum level of dialogue between national governments in the region for security cooperation purposes was stressed. The negative externalities faced by Tunisia due to Libya’s instability, inter alia, were also discussed at length by the participan

Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne

Villa Ebert
Avenue des Ambassadeurs
Fann Résidence
25516 Dakar-Fann


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