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FES PSCC Policy Brief

The G5-Sahel’s four remaining member states are faced with the challenge of proving the effectiveness of the operation within the context of the region’s unprecedented security and humanitarian challenges. Terrorism and illicit activities continue to spread, as basic needs of the populations remain unmet. Local, international and private military actors within the region present the organization with a further unique security situation. This policy paper analyses the root of the G5-Sahel’s ineffectiveness and explores the wide range of recommendations for the challenges that the region faces.


17.07.2023 | Publication

Since 2015, the countries bordering the Lake Chad Basin have been attempting to provide a military response to Boko Haram, which has taken a high human and economic toll in this territory inhabited by citizens of four different countries. The emergence of terrorism in this part of the continent is solely the consequence of the failure of the governments, which have not provided infrastructure, even less basic social services.


11.07.2023 | Publication

The security crisis that began in 2015 in Burkina Faso confronts the country with multidimensional challenges, including communal conflicts, terrorist attacks and transnational organized crime. It has a considerable impact on women and children who represent more than 80% of internally displaced persons. In addition, the impact of the crisis on social cohesion is perceptible and makes it difficult to build peace.


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Climate change is altering security landscapes around the world. West Africa is experiencing climate change at ratesfaster than the global average. Climate change is also interacting with regional political tensions, violent conflicts and complex humanitarian emergencies. As changing climateconditions impact natural resource availability, biodiversityand agricultural productivity, low levels of resilience are magnifying the human security implications of climate change in West Africa. In the next 10-20 years, unprecedented changes in temperatures and precipitation are projected in the region. Simultaneously, violent conflicts are escalating and spreading, as more and more countries witness spill-over effects.


| Publication EU, Publication

This training handbook for media professionals was developed within the framework of the regional 3-year “Security for All” project, co-financed by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the European Union. The project, whose target countries are Cameroon, Mali and Nigeria, aims to contribute to actions and to establishing institutions, to ensure that the security mission (at the local, national and regional levels) is more responsive to the needs of the population as well as being more accountable and more equitable. Civil society participation in the security sector reform and governance processes needs to be increased by empowering civil society actors and involving them in the dialogue taking place among all security sector actors. Civil society organizations must inform decision-making processes and contribute to setting agendas, monitoring public action, and public debate on the reform…


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Pour promouvoir la participation des chercheurs universitaires dans la dynamique de réflexion pour une paix et une stabilité durables dans la sous-région sénégambienne, le bureau Paix et Sécurité Centre de Compétence Afrique Subsaharienne de la Fondation Friedrich Ebert de Dakar (FES PSCC) a organisé du 14 au 15 Juillet 2022 à Ziguinchor la Conférence sous-régionale pour une meilleure implication des acteurs universitaires à la sécurité collective : cas des universités de Gambie, de Guinée-Bissau et du Sénégal dont les résultats des travaux et les recommandations se trouvent consignés dans le présent rapport.


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From 18th to 19th May 2022, the third edition of the West Africa Dialogue regional conference of the FES Peace and Security Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa was held in Dakar. The theme was "Civil-military collaboration in West Africa: a necessity in the face of security challenges and changes". The objective of this third edition was to analyse the responses to security challenges from the perspective of civil-military collaboration. This policy paper reviews the outcome of the discussions and the recommendations made.


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The Peace and Security Competence Centre of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Dakar (FES PSCC) organised from Thursday 31 March 2022 to Friday 1 April 2022 in Dakar the third edition of the regional conference Sahel-Sahara Dialogue on the topic : Prospects for sustainable peace in the Sahel : what inclusive responses to security instability in the Sahel-Sahara and in West Africa? This report reviews the results of the conference and the recommendations that were made.


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For more than a decade, the Sahel region has been caught up in a spiral of violence against which the security responses envisaged up to now appear less and less effective. The idea of negotiating with armed groups seems to be increasingly appealing to political actors in order to curb this phenomenon, which threatens stability and peace in the Sahel, particularly in the Liptako Gourma region: Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.


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For two decades already, the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) has guided African and external stakeholders engagement for peace and security in Africa. Over time, a double crisis of lacking political will and low adaptedness to new forms of conflict challenged APSA implementation. Overcoming these challenges will require a concerted effort by all APSA stakeholders. This policy brief provides a succinct, policy-relevant summary of FES’s New Approaches to Collective Security project roll-out, based on an extensive scenario-building and consultation process with stakeholders in numerous AU member states and multilateral hubs, including Addis Ababa, Brussels, and New York. This policy brief summarizes key findings and formulates actionable policy recommendations on principles, activities and priorities that African and European stakeholders could pursue.


Organized crime, security threats and governance: The sustainability of European Union programmes in West Africa

Ikoh, Moses U.

Organized crime, security threats and governance: The sustainability of European Union programmes in West Africa

Abuja, 2014

Download publication (10 MB PDF-File)

The African Union, the African peace and security architecture, and maritime securtiy

Engel, Ulf

The African Union, the African peace and security architecture, and maritime securtiy

AddisAbaba, 2014

Download publication (770 KB, PDF-File)

African approaches to maritime security

Borges Coelho, João Paulo

African approaches to maritime security

Southern Africa
Maputo, 2014

Download publication (2,8 MB PDF-File)

African approaches to maritime security

Ukeje, Charles; Mvomo Ela, Wullson

African approaches to maritime security

the Gulf of Guinea
Abuja, 2013

Download publication (650 KB, PDF-File)

The role of Nigeria in regional security policy

Alli, W. O.

The role of Nigeria in regional security policy

Abuja, 2013

Download publication (450 KB, PDF-File)

The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

Abuja, 2013

Download publication (510 KB, PDF-File)

South Africa in Southern Africa

Zondi, Siphamandla

South Africa in Southern Africa

a perspective
Maputo, 2012

Download publication (410 KB, PDF-File)

Shared governance of peace and security

Moulaye, Zeïni; Niakaté, Mahamadou

Shared governance of peace and security

the Malian experience
Abuja, 2012

Download publication (280 KB, PDF-File)

Towards peace and security in Southern Africa

Van Nieuwkerk, Anthoni

Towards peace and security in Southern Africa

a critical analysis of the revised strategic indicative plan for the organ an politics, defence and security co-operation (SIPO) of the Southern African Development Community
Maputo;Bonn, 2012

Download publication (330 KB, PDF-File)

Who owns the Sahara?

Lohmann, Annette

Who owns the Sahara?

Old conflicts, new menaces. Mali and the Central Sahara between the Tuareg, Al Qaida and organized crime
Abuja;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (310 KB, PDF-File)

Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub-Saharan Africa

Point E, Rue de Fatick x Boulevard de l'Est,
Residence Bity Lokho, 6th floor
B.P. 15 416
Dakar - Fann

+221 33 859 20 02



How to engage and with whom towards collective security in the Sahelo-Saharan region and in West Africa? Dakar, 4 - 5 December 2017


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