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250 results:
| Publication EU, Publication
PSCC Policy Paper - Institutional Impunity in West Africa and the Sahel - Causes, Characteristics & Limitations
When we consider the problem of institutional impunity, what immediately leaps to mind after long-term observation of countries in armed conflict in the field is the paradox between the massive…  
| Publication EU, Publication
Ethnicity, Ethnic Crisis And National Security In Nigeria Implications And Management Strategies
Like in many developing countries that are highly fractionalized, ethnic crisis ranks amongst many security challenges bedevilling Nigeria, making Nigeria loosely a country at war with itself. This…  
| Publication EU, Publication
Evolution of Regional Security Outfits in Nigeria: Policy Brief Ethnic or Community Policing?
Government has unwittingly allowed the responsibility for security to transfer vicariously to the citizens and state while rebuffing devolution of statutory security responsibilities by not acceding…  
| Publication EU, Publication
Attacks on Security Institutions in South-East Nigeria
Nigeria is witnessing the escalation of violence and conflicts across the board. While the incidents have led to thousands of losses to lives and then the destruction of livelihood, it has seemingly…  
| Publication EU, Publication
Civil-Military Relationship During COVID-19 Turning Crisis into Opportunities
Nigeria, as a democratising state, is caught in the web of balancing civil control over its military, which has over the years dominated its political space. With the growing insecurity and conflicts…  
| Event
National Workshop : For a better involvement and an effective participation of women in the national process for the reform of the security sector in Cameroon
From Thursday 26 to Friday 27 August 2021, the Peace and Security Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES PSCC) Dakar, in collaboration with the FES Cameroon office,…  
| Publication, Publication EU
Gender-Based Violence in West Africa: The Cases of Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a significant obstacle to women’s enjoyment of their rights and a violation of their fundamental freedoms. In several countries, particularly in West Africa, such…  
| New Approaches to Collective Security | Event
Media training "The role of the media in elections; for peaceful and democratic elections in 2021 in The Gambia"
From 23th to 25th August 2021, the Peace and Security Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and MAI Media organised in Banjul a training course for the Gambian media on…  
| Security for all
Gaps in Security Sector Reform and Governance – Possible Contributions of Civil Society and Non-Traditional Security Actors
In recent years, the number, scope, and complexity of Security Sector Reform and Governance (SSR&G) programmes and processes in Nigeria have gained more grounds in peace-building and post-conflict…  
| New Approaches to Collective Security | Event
Conference on Accountability in Africa
On August 10th 2021, the Peace and Security Centre of Competence Sub Saharan Africa of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the African Network Against Extrajudicial Killings and Disappearances (ANEKED)…  
Search results 91 until 100 of 250