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250 results:
| ECOWAS | Event
ECOWAS Parliament, FES sign Memorandum of Understanding
The Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 16th September 2013. Both organisations underlined their…  
| Organized Crime | Publication
FES Series on Organised Crime on Governance in West Africa
Reports by the UN Office for Drug Control (UNODC) suggest that, over the past decade, transnational criminal networks have infiltrated West African polities up to the highest circles. By means of…  
| Maritime Security | Event
Gulf of Guinea: a summit meeting for more Maritime Security?
On 24–25 June 2013 a summit meeting took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, involving government representatives from 25 states in West and Central Africa on the issue of "Maritime Security in the Gulf of…  
| Elections | Event
Curbing electoral violence in West Africa
Presidents of electoral commissions in West Africa and international experts are taking part in a regional workshop on the prevention of electoral violence from 18 to 20 June, 2013 in Cotonou, Bénin.  
| Organized Crime | Publication
The Impact of Organised Crime on Governance
Data compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) suggests that West Africa has become a major hub of Organised Crime, both in terms of volume and quality. Transnational Crime has…  
| Maritime Security | Event
West African Approaches to Maritime Security
A public debate organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Regional Office in Abuja, Nigeria, convened specialists of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Members of the…  
| Conflict in the Sahel | Event
Strategic perspectives on conflict prevention in the Sahel
Never has the Sahel gained as much international attention as since last year. Much of this attention has centred on the crisis in Northern Mali. More recently, the broader Sahel region and the…  
| Social Democracy | Publication
Basics on Social Democracy
Political ideologies are normally not easy to understand and to define. Too many descriptions of theories and interpretations have been published. Due to the fact that many people ask about the…  
| Conflict in the Sahel | Event
A Wavering Central Sahel- Regional Responses
The “Arab Spring”, which unfolded in North Africa in 2010, has triggered the successive fall of three Maghreb dictatorships, giving hope for a new deal in the devolution of power and a more…  
| Mali | Event
The situation in Mali - Long-term challenges and regional responses
Since January of 2013, about 10,000 troops from numerous countries have been deployed to support the Malian army in fighting back the radical islamists. The situation is affecting not only the…  
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