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225 results:
20.11.2012 | Conflict in the Sahel | Event
Long-Term Perspectives on Security in the Sahel
Since the coup d’état in Mali in March 2011 it seems that the International Community has recognized the importance of a region that was left alone to its own fate for the most part in the past. High…  
08.11.2012 | Democratic Governance & Human Security | Event
WANSED General Assembly
Members of the West African Network on Security and Democratic Governance analyzed new dynamics of military and civilian coup d’états and constitutional crises in the region, discussed the relations…  
22.10.2012 | Democratic Governance & Human Security | Event
WANSED General Assembly: Emerging Security Threats and Regional Responses
The annual general assembly of the West African Network on Security and Democratic Governance (WANSED) was the first organized and steered by the newly elected WANSED Executive Committee. WANSED…  
22.10.2012 | Democratic Governance & Human Security | Event
WANSED and FES sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the West African Network for Security and Democratic Governance (WANSED) share common objectives in promoting peace, security and democratic governance in West…  
21.06.2012 | Economic Governance & Food Crisis | Event
Economic Governance and Food Crisis in West Africa
At the initiative of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), a regional round table of experts on economic governance of food security in West Africa was held collaboration with Oxfam and the West African…  
13.06.2012 | Elections | Event
Regional approaches to improving Electoral processes
The third edition of the “Get to Know ECOWAS Training Programme” organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung was successfully held in Abuja, from 13th to 22nd June 2012.  
26.11.2011 | Small Arms and Light Weapons | Event
Stakeholder Consultation on SALW Production in Ghana
In cooperation with the Ghana National Commission on Small Arms (GNACSA), FES commissioned a study taking stock of existing laws with regards to SALW control in Ghana as a basis for the development…  
29.10.2011 | ECOWAS | Event
Parliamentary Debate: ECOWAS Security Architecture and Central Sahara Conflict System
In collaboration with WANSED and the Malian National Assembly, FES conducted a one-day dialog in Bamako on the regional security architecture and the dynamics of the Central Sahara conflict system.  
22.10.2011 | Small Arms and Light Weapons | Event
Expert Meeting on SALW Flow in the Ghana-Togo-Benin-Nigeria Corridor
In preparation of a research project on "Small Arms & Light Weapons (SALW) trafficking in West Africa: Illicit routes & cache of arms between Ghana, Togo, Benin & Nigeria", jointly commissioned by…  
06.10.2011 | Small Arms and Light Weapons | Event
Validation Workshop on the draft National Bill on Small Arms and Light Weapons
In its ambition to domesticate the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), the National Commission on SALW in Cote d’Ivoire, in collaboration with FES, hosted a debate on a draft…  
Search results 201 until 210 of 225